“I stumbled upon Vera in 2018 while in a local health shop seeking information regarding an issue with my eye. I had a fall and was experiencing black spots in my vision. Following a number of medical reviews, 3 monthly x-rays, my retina was detaching which brought great worry to me. Vera’s warm friendliness and support, she provided me with a 24hr homeiopothy treatment which has helped in any further deterioration. I now only have to get an annual x-ray and have sustained the issue.
I can not thank Vera enough for all her help and would highly recommend her service.”

I received this testimonial from a lovely lady a met a few years ago.

I would like to share it as it may be helpful to someone else in the same situation.

The remedy I used at the time is a lovely Homeopathic remedy called Symphytum, I gave it in a homeopathic 200c potency it is most commonly used after painful injuries to the bones, such as fractures, to speed up the healing and knitting of the bones (calc-phos also) .

It is important to remember to take it only once the bones have been reset in their proper place as it will start working on knitting the bones back together straight away.
It does amazing work in those painful situations (and of course homeopathic Arnica will also reduce the swelling, pain and bruising associated with it).
I also use it to help with osteoporosis along with other constitutional remedies such as calc-carb, calc-phos, silica calc-Fluor, phos etc
It should certainly be thought about as one of the remedies needed in cases where there is threatening blindness from detachment of the retina after a traumatic injury to the eye.
