Hawthorn/ crataegus in full bloom, one of my favourite…how beautiful it is and so good too.


One of my favourite trees, magical and mystical. Usually taken in tincture form made from the ripe berries. Traditionally used for centuries as a wonderful heart tonic, over time it may help in cleaning out and strengthening the arteries and balancing blood pressure. Full of goodness.

Energetically it will soothe a broken heart [ignatia/nat-mur/aur-met/cygn..] helps in keeping our heart open and not cramp up and close up, may also be used as an adjunct for sound sleep. In Ireland, it is ever so abundant in all the hedgerows. Truly beautiful just like the country and its people who are very open-hearted, generous and as a result very much loved around the world. I often think of Merlin the magician when I think of hawthorn, it just feels magic and in folklore, it has been connected to the fairy realms.

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