The unconscious is like a computer filled with programs, old patterns, old information, old beliefs, old memories from which we create and base our reality. We create our reality with the thoughts we think. But what if the thoughts we think are on automatic and making us feel bad?

Coming from the depths of our unconscious and the collective unconscious, with beliefs buried so deep and for so long they have become all-powerful creators in our lives and seem out of control. In fact, we may not even realize what is happening as we are so busy, living this reality we believe in. We don’t give ourselves the space to be open to what else is possible. This is why it is crucial to slow down. Slowing down the brain waves.

Breathing slowly deeply and taking long exhalations. Slowing down first will give us the space to step back and notice our thoughts, internal dialogues and therefore our beliefs and also puts us in touch with our intuitive feelings. This is called awareness it’s like turning on a light in a very dark place and being able to see suddenly what’s been lurking in the shadows causing havoc all this time. And a lot of the time, it’s a load of very unhelpful stuff, painful memories and false beliefs that have been installed a long time ago running our life.

Slowing down and remembering we are the masters of our destiny living in body temples.

So if the same old same old keeps happening or same problems seem to rear their ‘ugly’ (feeling ugly is often cleared by homeopathic thuja) heads, over and over again it’s time to look inwards for the answers, with compassion and no judgment whatsoever and separate the wheat from the shaft.

Words are so powerful, words spoken, words thought.

Words can disempower or empower. Which will we choose? We can change our outward reality by changing our inner landscape. As within so without.

Once we have slowed down enough to notice our thinking patterns, processes, loops, round and round it goes, we can consciously decide what words and beliefs we, the master of the house want to occupy our inner landscape instead and form new habits. What words, are we not used to affirm although we want their quality in our lives? All the while affirming their opposite without even realizing it?

So we can take back our power, our masterful place in the creation of our life. Starting by noticing what is not helpful at all in that unconscious of ours and actually making it conscious and press delete on the files while creating new empowering ones. We may also retrieve buried talents and attributes in the process.

This is deep inner recovery work but healing is available in so many forms, we just have to be open to it, ask for it, expand our life, take responsibility, inform ourselves, information is light, open up to the new, observe what else is possible whilst releasing all resistance to going with the flow, and taking action when it feels right, knowing you can’t push a river after all.

So what new words are we going to start using? Words that make us feel light, happy, joyful, fill us with hope.

The more we affirm the positives while acknowledging the negatives and letting them go consciously the more it will reflect outwardly.

I sometimes suggest to record yourself, take some quiet time for inspiration, talking very slowly if you like, this will help to put you in a more receptive, deeper, trance-like mode by slowing down brain waves, nearly hypnotising yourself in a sense, about your deepest wishes using empowering new words, about things you would like and would make you happy.

Let the inner child do the talking freely in total innocence and trust you may even be surprised by what you hear. The inner child knows best what she/ he wants and needs so it’s good to listen and give that deep part of you a voice. And be there for the inner child. It also will give you clarity on what you want as we usually know and affirm what we don’t want, which is an engrained very unconscious pattern too, that attracts the unwanted.

This gives our inner child a chance to express its deepest wishes and desires with abandon and from the heart, and will make you happy to get a chance for expression especially if through your life you have been suppressed, repressed, abused, let down, forgotten, abandoned and not allowed to dream like children do and it may give you new insights.

Listen to this every day until you feel it has been integrated and you now actually believe it and this new positive way of thinking is happening on automatic. It may take time for this new version to be accepted, to be open and receptive to this new reality, as the unconscious might keep flushing the new affirmations out at the beginning as the new is suddenly contradicting the status quo.

This is called resistance and needs to be released gently, slowly with compassion too. Repetition is key as often the negative programs and beliefs are so ingrained from constant repetitions of false statements that they now feel so real or true and may have manifested a reality you realize you are now ready to let go off and let in more positive alternative options and Light.

Homeopathy can be a great addition in removing deeply held painful beliefs, fears, delusions about self and life, such as self hatred, self loathing, hatred, poverty consciousness, sense of victimhood, of not being good enough, martyrdom, powerlessness and feelings of abandonment, continuous grief, outward anger or suppressed, effects of trauma, lack of boundaries, habitual worry, stress etc.

So you can BE your very best cheerleader and take back your power.

This is called neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, it is our amazing inner powerful ability to heal, heal traumatic experiences that may have shaped us and gives us the opportunity to change our life and get support. It’s fascinating and liberating to know we have all the power inside of us that we have all those treasures and gifts buried deep inside, that even if we have to slay a few dragons or meet Cerberus at the gates of hell to retrieve them, it will be worth it.

As we change ourselves, we change the world around us for now and for the children of the future to have a more beautiful, peaceful, happy, abundant world. It may just be us again you know, who knows, walking in a different temple, in a new heaven on Earth, in the middle of the Milky Way galaxy, hurtling along at mind-altering speed through the universe and yet feeling the peace of stillness.


(Please note: Information on is no substitute for consulting a health care professional. All information contained on, including information relating to medical and health conditions, products and treatments, is for informational purposes only. Please see your doctor or healthcare professional before starting any alternative treatments, diets, supplements or exercise programs.)